
I was born and raised in Oakland. Mom was born in Berkeley, but raised in Oakland. Dad (whose family immigrated from Russia) moved from Springfield, MA, when he was 7. Mom went to Castlemont, Dad to Oakland High. My sister and I to Skyline.  Oakland is a great city with both assets and liabilities. My experience  growing up white and middle class is different from others who grew up or now live in Oakland with fewer advantages. I am trying to pay attention to these differences and understand how they shape my perspective, politics, and life's purpose. 

I suppose each of us connects in different ways with our surroundings, our past, our hometown, or with people on the street.  For me, a camera is a tool for connection and understanding. I am interested in the images and the stories of people in Oakland, in particular, because it is such a diverse and dynamic city. The pace of change increases dramatically every year. Change often results in winners and losers. Some do break even, but we are all affected for better or for worse.  

I'd like the brief stories and images of people I meet here - and elsewhere - to open our eyes to the value of each life, to help dispel stereotypes, to permit grace and understanding, and to displace fear of the "other" that somehow creeps into our lives and compromises our ability to love.